What is our philosophy ?

  • Buy Term Life Insurance
  • Invest the difference

"But I cant afford to invest now, maybe later..."

Do you know that with Primerica it can be as easy as $25 a month?


Financial House Quiz

Do you: 

  1. A. Have a Income Replacement Program?
    B. Have a six-month Emergency Fund?
    C. Have an updated Will and Health Directive.
  2. Have a Debt Freedom Date within 10 years?
  3. Have a plan to duplicate your income in retirement? 
  4. Have a plan to help children or grandchildren, if needed, for College?
  5. Have a plan to achieve your goals and dreams?
  6. Have a Customized Written Plan that addresses these challenges in your Financial House?


  1. A. Have a Income Replacement Program?
    B. Have a six-month Emergency Fund?
    C. Have an updated Will and Health Directive.
  2. Have a Debt Freedom Date within 10 years?
  3. Have a plan to duplicate your income in retirement? 
  4. Have a plan to help children or grandchildren, if needed, for College?
  5. Have a plan to achieve your goals and dreams?
  6. Have a Customized Written Plan that addresses these challenges in your Financial House?


Would you build one if it is FREE?

So, how do I start?

What is true for a business is also true for a family or even a personal investment strategy. Reach out to us and we will be happy to meet with you and discuss further how we can help you achieve your financial goals.

business idea, planning, business plan
sibling, children, family
light bulb, idea, lit